Standing Frame PC1516

Physio Care’s Standing Frame is a thoughtfully designed and meticulously crafted device made with premium quality materials. This standing frame is specifically engineered to provide comfortable support to weight-bearing parts of the body during therapy sessions.



Physio Care’s Standing Frame is a thoughtfully designed and meticulously crafted device made with premium quality materials. This apparatus is specifically engineered to provide comfortable support to weight-bearing parts of the body during therapy sessions.

The Standing Frame offers numerous benefits to individuals with limited mobility. By using this device, it helps in preventing the atrophy of leg muscles, improves range of motion, enhances circulation, and reduces muscle spasms and contractions.

Crafted with the utmost attention to quality, the Standing Frame is constructed using the finest teak wood. Teak wood is renowned for its durability, strength, and resistance to moisture, making it an excellent choice for long-lasting use.

To add convenience and functionality, this deviceis fitted with a laminated top tray. This tray provides a stable and secure surface for placing personal belongings, therapy accessories, or equipment during standing exercises.

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